Sending Love to Bolivia II

        Event background: 

Growing up in the Silicon Valley, we are often unaware of how lucky we are to live in such a prosperous community — where most of us do not have to worry about where our next meal will come from, whether or not we can afford the clothes we desire, or even have to worry about financial matters at all. Our privilege has essentially blinded us to how these rights, which we take for granted, may be considered a luxury to others.

I can say with full confidence that Global Youth Philanthropy has broadened my worldview and opened my eyes not only to the needs of many of those around the world, but also to the ability that we, as Bay Area high school students have to make a difference. Instead of simply playing music for ourselves, we have chosen to hone our musical talents for a greater cause — raising money for children around the world who do not have the same opportunities as us. Two summers ago, I visited Stansberry Children’s Home in Bolivia with my fellow GYP members, where we worked and lived with the children there. Their unwavering kindness — they bought me a birthday present as soon as they found out it was my birthday despite my pleas that they didn’t need to — and infinite optimism was incredible to witness, allowing me to realize everything I was grateful for in my own life. I wouldn’t trade my experience in Bolivia for anything — it’s one thing to hear about other people’s circumstances in the news from continents away, but to be there and experience it with them is incomparable. I really hope you will join me in working to better the world we live in, one note at a time.

Claire Chang    
Event Chair    

  Event: Fundraising Concert "Sending Love to Bolivia II"
  When: Oct 8, 2017 at  330PM
  Where: Center of Performing Arts, Recital Hall, Santa Clara University (at the corner of Lafayette and Franklin)
  Address 500 El Camino Real, Santa Clara, 95035-0341

This year's GYP fundraising concert will go to raising funds for Stansberry Children's Home -- specifically for the facilities, children's "parents", and any other utilities they may need. Last year, we raised money for their daycare program, which was diminishing, but this year, we have decided to direct our funds towards their traditional children's home needs. At the orphanage, there are 27-30 kids who live there and also opt to participate in their daycare activities. Our funds will help upgrade any facilities they may need, pay for the psychologists and other staff at the children's home, and other health aids for the kids. Thank you so much for your support and your generosity -- we greatly appreciate all that you are doing for the children in Stansberry.


               Event Outcome:  A fundraising concert that raised $11,071.71 while incurring cost of  $3,593.21, which yielded a net amount of $7,478.50          
                                             GYP remitted  $7,478.50 to Stanberry Orphanage in Bolivia.  Stanberry's acknowledgement can be found here.



   Back(L-R)     Elizabeth Szeto , Elise Kwan, Darren Young, Claren Dai, Kevin Gao, Shanqing Wang, Nathan Tran

   Middle(L-R)  Jason Dunn,  Alan Liu, Jamie Chang,  Antara Goel, Jocelyn Tseng, Sean Yang, Eric Huang

   Front(L-R)    Helena Feng, Cynthia Feng, Michelle Kao,, Helen Hu, Claire Chang

                                                                                                Profiles of Team Members  

Alan Liu, Event Performer
Alan is a freshman at Basis Independent Silicon Valley and has been playing piano for 8 years since the age of six. He really enjoys math and solving many challenging problems with success in competitions including MathCounts and AMC/AIME. Alan also likes playing basketball, board games, and watching TV. He is currently in his school’s cross-country running club, the Math Circle, and a library volunteer of the teensReach program. Alan is glad to be a part of this year’s GYP program to help those in need in Bolivia.
Antara Goel, Production Team
Antara is a sophomore at Monta Vista high school, and has been playing   piano since she was six. She is on the swim team for the school, and has   been swimming competitively for 8 years. Antara loves to read, and write  songs. This is her first time attending GYP, and is happy that she is helping  out for such a great cause.
Claire Chang, Event Chairperson
Claire is a senior at Monta Vista High School and has been playing piano for twelve years. Apart from piano, she plays volleyball and is in her school’s FBLA and Speech and Debate clubs. This will be Claire’s sixth year in GYP. She visited Stansberry Children's Home with fellow GYP members two summers ago and thoroughly enjoyed the eye-opening and memorable experience. She is extremely grateful for the opportunity to help the friends she made in Bolivia through her music.
Claren Dai, Event Performer
Claren is a junior at Homestead High School. She is 16, now playing piano for about 10 years. As a junior, she has a busy year ahead of her; juggling her AP's, standardized tests, and all her extra curricular activities. Claren is a creative person who loves art. She loves to dance, draw, play piano, and sing karaoke! Her favorite hobby however is sitting down and reading a good book. Claren is looking forward to her 5th year participating in GYP, and is very grateful to be able to help people in need through music.

Cynthia Feng, Event Performer
Cynthia Feng is currently an 8th grader attending Moreland Middle. She have been playing piano for 8 years. When she is not practicing piano, she enjoys reading and playing with her dog. This November, she will be performing at Carnegie Hall, in New York. Music has been a big part of her life ever since she was a kid, and Cynthia is thrilled to be able to use her passion to help the children in Bolivia.

Darren Yang, Event Performer
Darren is a junior at Monta Vista High School and has been playing piano since he was five. He is an officer of his school’s California Scholarship Federation club, a volunteering club on campus, and is also a member of the school's cross country team. In addition to playing the piano, he also plays the viola and enjoys learning new languages.

Elise Kwan, Director of Concert Operations
Elise is a freshman at Wilcox High School. Besides playing piano, she also plays violin and has participated in the El Camino Youth Symphony for two years. She will also be performing piano in Carnegie Hall this November. Elise's other hobbies include playing volleyball, drawing, volunteering, and attempting to cook food. She is grateful to be given the opportunity to help the needy by performing music.
Elizabeth Szeto, Event Performer
Elizabeth is a 9th grader at The Harker School in San Jose and has been playing piano for eight years. Besides music, she enjoys art, swimming, tennis, and reading. As a new member of GYP, she is grateful to have this opportunity to help the orphanage in Bolivia.

Eric Huang, Director of Outreach
Eric is a junior at Monta Vista High School and has been playing piano for ten years. This will be Eric's sixth year in GYP. Besides piano, he spends his time on mathematics, physics, and FBLA at school. Eric also enjoys spending time with his friends watching movies and or just eating out. Last summer, he and other GYP members visited the children’s home in Bolivia and is grateful to help these children through his music.
Helen Hu, Choir Accompanist
Helen Hu is a freshman at Lynbrook High School, and she has been playing the flute since she was 11 years old. At school, she actively participates in speech and debate, marching band, and FBLA. In her free time, Helen likes to hang out with her church youth group and read classic novels. She is very grateful that through playing with GYP, she can help other children in need and make an impact on this world.
Helena Feng, Event Performer
Helena Feng is a 8th grader currently attending Moreland Middle School, and is thrilled to be using her skill to help needy children in Bolivia. She has participated in many competitions, and in November, she will be going to Carnegie Hall to perform. Aside from piano, in her free time, she enjoys listening to Hamilton. Performing for such an important cause is incredible to her, and she looks forward to cooperate in GYP many times over.

Jamie Chang, Backstage Manager
Jamie Chang is a junior at Lynbrook High School and has been playing piano for ten years. In addition to piano, she also plays bassoon for the school band and CYS. Jamie used to dance and play basketball, and is now running with the school cross-country team. She is currently an officer of Viking Buddies, in ASB, and a member of the Angles team. Jamie hopes that she can help make a difference and improve the lives of orphans in Bolivia.
Jason Dunn, Event Performer
Jason Dunn is a sophomore at Monta Vista High School. He has played piano for 9 years, starting from when he was 6 years old. Other than piano, Jason’s hobbies include soccer and singing. Last summer, Jason volunteered at a local elderly care center where he played piano and sang for the elderly. This is Jason’s second year in GYP, and he is very proud to be helping out those in need in Bolivia.
Jocelyn Tseng, Director of Performance Operations
Jocelyn is a sophomore at Monta Vista High School and has been playing piano for over nine years. She plays trombone in the San Jose Youth Symphony Philharmonic Orchestra. In addition to music, Jocelyn has a great passion for tennis and has been on the Monta Vista High School Girl’s varsity tennis team for two years. Moreover, Jocelyn is a great fanatic of dogs, and enjoys programming, biking, and listening to music in her spare time. As a second year member of GYP, Jocelyn is excited to send love and good spirits to less fortunate children around the world.

Kevin Gao, Event Performer
Kevin Gao is a junior at Los Altos High School and has played the piano for nine years. Apart from piano, he plays on the Los Altos varsity badminton team and is the vice president of the school's chess club. In his free time, he likes to watch hockey and learn more about computer science. This is his third year in GYP, and he would be honored to help orphans in Bolivia through music.

Michelle Kao, Production Team
Michelle is a sophomore at Lynbrook High School. She has played the piano for ten years and the flute for six years. This will be Michelle's second year in GYP. Aside from music, Michelle also loves drawing, reading, math and listening to music. She enjoys going on drop towers and roller coasters, and is looking forward to helping the orphans in Bolivia.

Nathan Tran, Event Performer
Nathan Tran is a Senior at Saint Francis High School. He has been playing piano for 11 years and still enjoys every bit of it. Besides piano, Nathan participates on his school's Varsity Tennis Team. On his free time he likes to watch Netflix and chill. He hopes to share his passion to everyone through his music.

Sean Yang, Event Performer
Sean is a 9th grader at Monta Vista High School.  He is currently playing Water Polo for Monta Vista High School on Junior Varsity.  He has been playing piano for 7 years and will be taking the level 10 test this year. His main hobby is music when he is at home since he plays some guitar, bass, and drums. This is his first year in GYP and he is looking forward to his first GYP concert!

Shanqing Wang, Event Performer
Shanqing is a senior at Lynbrook High school, and has been learning piano since he was five. He is active in his school’s water polo and swimming teams, and also works at his local pool as both a lifeguard and a swim instructor. In his free time, Shanqing enjoys spending time with his three siblings, and also meeting up with friends to relax and chat. Although this is his first year participating in GYP, he is thankful for this opportunity to be able to give to those in need in Bolivia.

Choir members:

Children’s Choir: Leo Li, Jenny Xie, Eudora Zhou, Elsa Dai, Jason Feng, Alan Yu, Amelia Chen, Jennifer Yin, Helen Wu, Loreen Lu, Ethan Wang, Selena Yue, Julie Chen, Roy Chen, Aidan Chen, Max Peng, Ryan Chen, Aimee Chen, David Lu, Olivia Shi, Raymond Feng, Marina Yu

Adult Choir: DongMei Liu, Li Wang, Jing Yu, Miranda Liu, Amy Huang, Yuxing Deng, Vania Fang, Judy Jin, Ying Zhang, Bei Wang, Fang Duan, Jingli Wang, Rong Chen, Melody YiXin Yang, Jie Hong, Min Chen, Yixin Li, Xiao Xie, Yue Zhao, Jingdong Chen, Jeff JiaFeng Peng, HaiChun Chen, HouChang Lu

Conductors: Lynn Wu, Diane Kwan
Accompanist: Jocelyn Tseng, Elise Kwan, Helen Hu