GYP is a non-profit organization that supports the youth by building a youth-friendly environment for those who have passions, initiatives, motivations in making the world a better place.

Young people have unique ideas, unique perspectives and a genuine desire to make things happen.  GYP taps into the energy and boundless enthusiasm of young people.

GYP is a youth-led program in which a diverse group of Silicon Valley teens and young adults experience what it means to be a grantmaker, change-agent, and leader. The participants are required to raise their own seed money and the task of making a difference in the global community.

The participants all share a vision of making the global community a better place by engaging in rewarding international philanthropic activities to broaden their horizons.  Through their efforts, our youth not only learn to cherish and appreciate the enviable climate and the abundant resources in the Silicon Valley, but also how to extend it to those who are less fortunate living in undesirable environments around the globe.


Through their philanthropic activities, our youth pave their ways to become more responsible leaders and citizens by having a better perspective of dissimilar cultures, income inequality and diverse international climates.  They also develop better organizational skills by event execution.



          Our youth today will be our leaders tomorrow