Sending Love to the Philippines

        Event background: 


Growing up in a middle-class family in the Silicon Valley, we sometimes fail to see other parts of the world. So many aspects of life that we take for granted, such as running water or a safe and warm place to sleep every night, are simply not available to many others. We really are quite fortunate, yet we don't realize that the time and money that we spend on luxuries could be spent on helping others with their necessities. 

This is why the concept of Global Youth Philanthropy brings a smile to my face - the youth in a more privileged area of the world realize that they actually have the power to change the lives of others. We have the opportunity to do so many things, but of all of these, I feel that music is the most powerful because it can communicate the whole spectrum of human emotion. It has been a prominent part of my life, and one of the strongest reasons why I continue to play is so I can connect to people and affect them with my music. The beautiful thing about GYP is that the power of music not only affects the audience who directly appreciates the art, but also changes the lives of orphans halfway around the world. And through this music, we are able to and provide quality education, good food, therapy, and above all, a safe environment for orphans who have been through trauma. 

I am so thankful that I can use a personal passion to make a change in the world - one orphanage at a time - and I hope that all of you will feel the warmth in your heart too.

Jeffrey Chang
Event Chair
  Event: Fundraising Concert "Sending Love to Phillippines
  When: Nov 2, 2014 at  630PM
  Where: Center of Performing Arts, Recital Hall, Santa Clara University (at the corner of Lafayette and Franklin)
  Address 500 El Camino Real, Santa Clara, 95035-0341


  Event Outcome:  A completely sold-out concert that raised $7,230 while incurring cost of $1,678.77, which yielded a net amount of $5,551.23

1. $3,000 was donated to First Love International Ministries for rescue mission due to the recent catatrophic earth quake occured on April 25.

2. $2,551.23 was donated to First Love International Minisries for the Butterfly Project in the Phillipines.

More information is coming soon regarding these two projects -stay tuned.

Top Row: George Wang, Jeffrey Chang, Nathan Tran, Matthew Zhou, Claren Dai, Jessica Lee

Bottom Row: Eric Huang, Claire Chang, Nicole Phoa, Margaret Chien, Janae Zhang

                           Money raised by these charity events will be used in the Butterfly Project in the Phillippines


Claire Chang(Event Performer)

Claire is a freshman at Monta Vista High School and has been playing piano for nine years, starting at the age of five. Apart from piano, she is on the Junior Varsity volleyball team for Monta Vista and is a member of Monta Vista's Esperanza choir. Claire is proud to be a part of GYP and is very grateful for this opportunity to help orphanages in the Philippines.

Jeffrey Chang(Chair, Event Performer)
Jeffrey is a junior at Lynbrook High school, principal horn of California Youth Symphony, and All-State Honor Band invitee since 2011. As vice president of the Lynbrook Science Club, he enjoys the beauty of science as much as the beauty of music. With over ten years of piano playing and five years of French Horn experience under his belt, Jeffrey spends his leisure time doing meaningful activities - such as listening to great works of music, conducting research in linguistics, playing ultimate frisbee, and above all, helping orphanages throughout the world with the magic of music.

Margaret Chien(Event Performer)
Margaret Chien is a junior at Lynbrook High School. She has played bassoon for five years. In addition to playing in her school band, Margaret has played in California Youth Symphony for three years. Aside from playing the bassoon, she also plays the flute and enjoys drawing, painting, and writing essays. Margaret also has an immense love for turtles. She is very grateful to be able to help orphans in the Philippines through music.

Claren Dai(Event Performer)
Claren Dai is a 8th grader at Sunnyvale Middle School and is 13 years old. She has played the piano for about 6 years. She has an interest in drawing and designing, and loves to doodle, dance, play music, and play volleyball in her free time. This will be her second year at GYP and she is looking forward to help the orphans in the Philippines.

Eric Huang(Event Performer)
Eric is an 8th grader at Kennedy Middle School. Playing piano has become an indispensable part of his life since he was six. His passion for music has won him multiple awards in USOMC since 2008. Having love for math, Eric was the 6th grade MathCounts NorCal Champion and made USA(J)MO in 7th grade. This is EricEs third year in GYP, and would love to send his love to the Philippines through his music.

Jessica Lee(Event Performer)
Jessica is a sophomore at Monta Vista High School and an officer of Musician's Society, a service club at her school. With over nine years of experience in playing the Chinese harp (guzheng), she has recently passed level 10 and has also won 1st place in the first competition she has ever participated in, the CMTANC International Youth Music Competition. In her free time, Jessica loves sharing her music with the community by performing in senior centers, festivals, and other events. Jessica is extremely grateful to be able to be part of GYP and for the opportunity to make a difference in the lives of orphans across the world.

Nicole Phoa(Event Performer)
Nicole is a senior at Homestead High School and has been playing piano for 12 years now, starting at age 5. Nicole was in her school's advanced choirs for three years, and she takes vocal lessons outside of class. She designed the GYP logo and designs the GYP T-shirts each year. Nicole hopes to make a difference little by little, starting with the orphans in the Philippines.

Nathan Tran(Event Performer)
Nathan is a freshman at St. Francis High School. He has been playing piano since he was 5 years old. He hopes to be able to help you enjoy music while also support the less fortunate people. Besides piano, he also participates in Tennis.

George Wang(Event Performer)
George is a sophomore at Saratoga High School and a piano player for nine years. He is a saxophone player in his school's excellent marching band. When he is not playing music, George enjoys reading, biking, and problem solving. This is his third year participating in GYP. He is very excited to be a part of another philanthropic event and to send his love to less fortunate children around the world.

Janae Zhang(Event Performer)
Janae is a sophomore at Monta Vista high school and has been playing piano since she was seven. When not attending her numerous weekly activities such as archery and volunteering, Janae likes to sew and read. Sometimes Janae wishes she could go on adventures with all her favorite characters, but is stuck searching for sheet music to her favorite TV and movie scores instead.

Matt Zhou(Event Performer)
Matt is a 9th grader at Lynbrook High School. He has been playing piano since the age of 5, and passed level 10 in 7th grade. Besides music, he is a varsity public forum debater, and enjoys breakdancing and playing volleyball. Though he has never personally been to the Philippines, he is excited to use his talents to help the less fortunate.
  Choir singers:  
Grace Tan, Varsha Venkatesh, Jennifer Ren, Grace Ren, April Li, Edward Li, Evan Liu, Vivian Chang, Colin Zhao, Evelyn Yeechen Pang, Maggie Xu, Edward Feng, Steven Hong, Noah Hong, Noah Hong, Alan Yu, Marina Yu, Ethan Jin, Nancy Doan, Audrey Cheng, Jennifer Yang, Selena Yang, Iris Jin, oreen Lu
  Conductor:Jonne Cheah